Quick tip: “Facebook – you are not eligible to create a username”
If you have created a Facebook fanpage, you also want it to be found well. Facebook therefore allows you to generate a suitable address for the fanpage. You can choose a short and catchy short URL (Vanity-Url), which can be used on business cards or newspaper advertisements, for example. Facebook calls this vanity URL “username”. Each username exists only once and can be claimed by a person or company.
However, when you try to create a username, you may receive the following message:
You are not eligible to create a username
Cause of error and solution
To create a username for a fanpage you have to be an administrator of the site. But that alone is not enough. Before you can create a username for the supervised fanpage, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
- The fanpage must already have at least 25 Likes
- You must not have created more than one fanpage lately
- Your personal Facebook account needs to be verified
- Your personal profile must not be newly created
- For your personal Facebook account, a username must be defined
Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t point out these prerequisites and instead only issues the above-mentioned, meaningless error message. If you have met the first requirement (minimum number of Facebook-Likes), you have to verify your personal Facebook account and define a username. These two conditions can be met quite easily:
Verify your personal Facebook account:
- Open the settings of Facebook (small arrows at the top right of the menu –> Settings)
- Switch then to the menu item Mobile phone
- Enter your mobile phone number there to verify your account
- Behind the added number now click on “Confirm“
- Facebook then sends you a confirmation code via SMS to
- Enter the received confirmation code into the provided field
Set personal username:
- Open the settings of Facebook (small arrows at the top right of the menu –> Settings)
- General account settings –> username
- Choose a username for your personal Facebook account
If you have verified your personal Facebook account and have a username, you can then normally create a username for the fanpage.
Create username
To set a username for your fanpage, you have to click on Info in the left menu of the fanpage. On the following page you will find in the upper part of the menu: Create username for page.
Small problem, big effect 🙂
Thank you so much for this info!
I only needed to verify my personal Facebook account using a phone number. Once I did that I went to see if I could choose a username for my business page and I could!
I didn’t need any other steps and this is a brand new page I created 30 minutes ago.
Thank you! Your post should be on FB’s official FAQ’s. The creation of a username and verification of a phone number on the personal account that created the page did the trick (after we got 25 likes)
You are an EPIC LEGEND – and my current personal hero!!
Thank you for this – I spent too long looking on FB for a solution – one quick google search and it is “problem solved.”
please I need help, my facebook account was disabled by facebook since 30th of November and till now nothing have been done
Thank you! It fixed my problem
Very helpful information….managed to find my way after reading this
I’m so happy to finally have the solution to my problem! Facebook was no help at all. Thank you for putting this information out there. I now have my username 🙂 Small donation sent in gratitude.
Thank you so much great help !!
THANK YOU!!! Username saving person. A godsend xoxoxoxoxoxox
Thank you very much for your detailled support.
this worked perfectly! i created a separate fb page for my business account, and hated the hurdles that come with a new page requiring personal information.
i went through and verified my personal act using phone # & created a username, and whalah! was then “eligible” to create one for my business page, no 25 likes needed. thank you so much 🙂
thanx, a great help. my problem has solved after read this article.
This is very helpful, thank you so much. Facebook should have this kind of info on their website or faq section
Many thanks. I used your info to add phone number etc and have now been allowed to create a username.
Your explanation is very clear and and easy to follow. Also, I like clean the design of this page.
You were the only one, who gave me useful advice for this problem.
From now on, I have a FB username.
Many-many thanks!
Hi, I verified my personal account but still cannot add a user name to my business account. Can you help?
Please send instructions on how to create a user name for pages.
I do have a user name on one of my pages but I don’t remember how I created it.
Thank you very much – it worked.
Thank you! I have been trying to get my business page set up for months now and it always ended in frustration. With this information I had it all done in less than 5 minutes. Facebook must keep this information hidden in the same secret place they keep their community standards!
I tried all above options but still cannot add a username to the page.